If you've ever wanted to see Kate Bosworth rage to Goatsnake while downing a bottle of whiskey, you've come to the right place.
The Domestics is by no means original. Like many genre films these days, it's a hodgepodge of recycled ideas and tropes that have been overplayed for the last couple decades. However, this doesn't mean that it's not worth watching and it certainly doesn't mean that it's not fun.
Maybe this makes me a "bad critic", but you'll learn that I often find silver linings in even the worst pieces of garbage.
The Domestics follows Nina and Mark West after what we're led to believe has been a countrywide "poisoning", only leaving those who are "immune" behind. Early on we learn that Nina and Mark's marriage is struggling so, as a last ditch effort, they have decided to travel to Milwaukee to visit Nina's parents, whom they have recently lost radio contact with. As you can imagine, what ensues is a re-imagining of Mad Max and all the clones that it spawned. Like in Max Rockatansky's universe, The Domestics features warring gangs that each have their own unique sadistic ways of traversing and ruling these lawless lands. The scenes with these faction leaders, if not completely original, are usually enjoyable to watch. I also really appreciated the decision to use practical effects in favor of CGI, bringing that Ozploitation grindhouse feel to the movie.
At its core, among all the cannibals, killers, and perverts, the movie is really about the West's failing marriage, and amidst the carnage and fight for their life, we see them grow closer and fall back in love. By the end of the movie, Nina has gone from a timid, quiet woman who is against violence, (particularly violence involving guns) to a gun-toting, pedal to the metal heroine who will do anything to save her marriage.
TLDR: 6/10
The Domestics is a Mad Max clone that, while often derivative, is fun to watch and features more than enough action and psychopathic wastelanders to please horror and action fans alike, and at points is pretty funny too.
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